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The following list of documentary films and videos have been compiled by AAPIC as a resource to learn about Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. Some of these films can be accessed free on the Internet through subscription to Also, you can watch films on by using your local public library card access online. is another website where you can watch free documentaries online. Many films also come with teacher’s guide so that they can be used as part of the ethnic studies program in schools.

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When CAAPLE (California Association of Asian & Pacific Leaders in Education) started their podcast in October 2022, they named it “More Than A Monolith”. The name is definitely fitting. AAPI, which commonly stands for Asian American and Pacific Islanders, “are about 6% of the U.S. population and are the country’s fastest-growing racial group. A population of more than 20 million, we are expected to grow to 350 million by 2060. The AAPI label is an umbrella term for over 50 ethnic groups and when considered as a standalone identity, a monolithic group, the richness of our community is diminished, and our different experiences and truths become void.”[source] So we are bringing to you a list of podcasts that would help you learn about the AAPI’s colorful diversity.

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We have put together a collection reports, documents, webpages, and articles about AAPI issues. They cover historic event like the passing of the Senate Anti-Asian Hate Bill in 2021, to safety tips for those experiencing or witnessing hate, and news articles reporting on the rise in violence against Asian Americans in Sonoma County. There is also a list of articles from the perspective of what it is like being AAPI encountering the rise of anti-Asian hate. This list will grow as we discover more reports and documents on AAPI issues.

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Other AAPI Groups

On this page, we introduce the various AAPI community groups in Sonoma County and the North Bay area, as well as AAPI advocacy and service organizations in California and in the a whole. This list will grow as we discover and add to the page.

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Scholarship application deadlines are usually in the first few months of each year. Also, we will continue to add to this list as we discover them. So check back frequently.

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Asian American Pacific Islander Coalition of North Bay is a 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofit organization.
122 Calistoga Road, #357, Santa Rosa, CA 95409.

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