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  • 12/25/2024 11:49 AM | Anonymous

    A Message from ESO Ventures:

    In partnership with Santa Rosa Junior College and Sonoma SBDC, ESO Ventures’ Create Business Incubator is here to help you grow your early-stage business into a scalable, revenue-generating enterprise.

    ESO Ventures

    This program is designed for entrepreneurs who are either just starting out and building their business foundations or have already generated up to $10,000 in revenue.

    We offer a FREE 4-week pre-incubator for new entrepreneurs, followed by a FREE 8-week incubator for those looking to accelerate growth.

    Pre-Incubator Criteria Checklist

    • Have not generated revenue yet
    • Looking to create your own business
    • Based in the bay Area


    We are working closely with the Sonoma Small Business Development Center (SBDC). We reserve the right to share your basic contact information with our partners in order to provide you with additional free resources.


  • 12/23/2024 6:27 PM | Anonymous

    Would you like to make a difference in Sonoma County? If so, consider serving on the county’s Civil Grand Jury.  This jury is empowered to investigate and report on how local governmental agencies function. The scope of its investigative authority includes county and city governments and special districts.  

    Sonoma County
    Civil Grand Jury

    Apply to serve on the Civil Grand Jury

    California’s constitution requires that each of the 58 counties seats a civil grand jury every year.  Nineteen applicants are selected as jurors and additional applicants are selected as alternates. These jurors dedicate a year of their time to learning how our local governments function. Jurors may interview city and county officials to determine if recommendations should be made to improve performance. The results of Civil Grand Jury investigations are contained in reports that lay out the findings of specific problems or issues, and make recommendations for solutions. The various agencies and departments are required to respond to all recommendations.

    Topics of  investigation come from various sources:

    1. the jury can follow up on previous Civil Grand Jury reports,
    2. they can investigate issues that residents have submitted to the jury for consideration, and 
    3. they can research topics of interest to the jury.

    Juries are empaneled for one year – from early July to the end of June of the following year. The application period will open January 24, 2025 and close April 24, 2025. 

    While jurors spend a lot of time investigating the issues and writing the reports, there is a personal dividend as well.  Jurors learn a great deal about the nine cities and the county that they call ‘home’. They learn about the governmental structure of each - the various departments and how they interact; the cooperation between the cities and county government and how each solves their own issues and problems that may arise. This knowledge can make you feel proud to be a citizen here or it may suggest other ways you can make your own voice heard.  What do you want it to be?

    For more information on the Sonoma County Civil Grand Jury or to read the previous years’ reports, click on the link below.

    Apply to serve on the Civil Grand Jury.

Asian American Pacific Islander Coalition of North Bay is a 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofit organization.
122 Calistoga Road, #357, Santa Rosa, CA 95409.

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